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Writer's pictureRajat Naik

Unlocking the Nutritional and Culinary Benefits of Single Polished Rice

Rice is a staple food that is consumed all over the world. It is available in many different varieties, each with their unique taste, texture, and nutritional profile. However, most of the rice that is available in shops is fully polished and white, which means that the outer layers of the rice grain, including the bran and germ, have been removed. This process results in a loss of important nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for maintaining good health.

While removing the outer layers of the rice grain can result in a smoother texture and a more attractive appearance, it comes at a cost of decreased nutritional value. The bran and germ layers of the rice grain contain a significant amount of nutrients, including fiber, B vitamins, and minerals like magnesium, zinc, and iron. These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system, supporting the immune system, and maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

Brown rice is a healthier alternative to white rice, as it is a whole-grain rice that retains the outer bran and germ layers. This makes it more nutritious and fiber-rich than its white counterpart. However, some people find it difficult to digest due to its high fiber content. In such cases, single polished rice can be a good option.

Single polished rice, is an in-between option that retains some of the nutrients lost during the processing of white rice, while also being easier to digest compared to brown rice. It is a slightly polished rice, where the rice grain is taken as is and given a single polish. This helps to remove some of the outer layers of the rice grain, which can contain impurities, while retaining most of the nutrients and flavor of the rice. The result is a rice variety that is easier to digest than brown rice, while still retaining many of the benefits of whole-grain rice.

It is important to note that single polished rice is different from steamed rice, which is another popular variety of rice. Steaming is an important step in rice processing, as it helps to preserve the integrity of the grains and prevent them from breaking apart. Single polished rice is not steamed so some rice grains are slightly broken. Not many prefer steamed rice because nutrients are lost while steaming the rice. Also the quality of water used for steaming the rice could be questionable.

In conclusion, rice is an important staple food that provides essential carbohydrates for our bodies. While white rice is the most common variety of rice available in shops, it is often stripped of many important nutrients. Brown rice is a healthier option, but it can be difficult to digest for some people. Single polished rice can be a good alternative, as it is easier to digest than brown rice, while still retaining many of the benefits of whole-grain rice. By making informed choices about the type of rice we consume, we can ensure that we are getting the most out of this essential staple food. In Dhaanya all the rice variety and the rice powder sold is sourced from single polished rice.

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